Transfer to Wes-Del Community Schools
New Transfer to Wes-Del Community School Corporation
If you live within Wes-Del School Corporation and need to enroll at Wes-Del School Corporation during the current school year please click HERE. Otherwise, see the instructions below.
Requests by parents or guardians of Indiana students who do not reside in the Wes-Del School Corporation, but who wish to enroll their child in the school system will be considered for enrollment if:
Parent requesting transfer on behalf of the student shall complete the Application for Tuition Transfer of Non-Resident Student and submit it to the Wes-Del Community School Corporation Superintendent’s Office. Transfers will be considered on an annual basis.
Non-resident enrollment is requested for educational reasons ONLY. Under no circumstances will a transfer be accepted for athletic reasons.
Non-resident student is in good standing in his/her resident school corporation. A student may not be accepted who has had a major disciplinary infraction (ie. Fighting, alcohol, illegal controlled substances, excess absenteeism or tardiness, etc.) as determined by the receiving school. A complete copy of the student’s transcript and discipline records must be submitted prior to consideration.
Parents or guardians must agree to provide transportation to and from the school.
A student may be accepted if his/her needs can be accommodated with current staffing and program offerings and whose enrollment does not adversely affect the programming for resident students.
The building principal will make a recommendation to the Superintendent and the Board of Education regarding the student. Once the Board makes the final determination, the parent or guardian will be notified.
Renewing Transfer for Wes-Del Community School Corporation
If you wish to renew your current non-resident transfer student you must make a Request for Continuation to your school building prior to April 1st of the current school year for each future year.
You will be reconsidered for enrollment if:
The student is in good standing with the Building Administration and the Wes-Del School Corporation.
Parents or guardians must agree to provide transportation to and from the school.
The building principal will make a recommendation to the Superintendent and the Board of Education regarding the student. Once the Board makes the final determination, the parent or guardians will be notified.