Next week, we will have drop off for Chromebook(s), charger(s), and any library books you have at your home. You may also pick up school supplies in your child(ren)’s classroom(s). One adult and one child may drop off and pick up for your family. We ask that masks and gloves be worn, and everyone observes social distancing. This is to protect your family and our staff. Please enter through the main entrance near the office. The schedule is: Monday, May 18th 2-6:00 A-C Tuesday, May 19th. 2:00-6:00. D-J Wednesday, May 20th. 2:00-6:00 K-Q Thursday, May 21st. 2:00-6:00 R-Z Thank you, Mrs. Shafer
over 4 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Warrior Students & Families, Next week, we have scheduled locker clean-out and textbook/chromebook return. This is for all 6 - 12 Warrior students. Please see the schedule below as well as a list of items needing returned. We ask that everyone wears gloves and masks. They are encouraged but not required. Monday, May 18th from 2 pm to 6 pm - Students Last Name A thru C Tuesday, May 19th from 2 pm to 6 pm - Students Last Name D thru J Wednesday, May 20th from 2 pm to 6 pm - Students Last Name K thru Q Thursday, May 21st from 2 pm to 6 pm - Students Last Name R thru Z During this time - you can return the following items or wrap up any needed business for the 2019-20 school year. If you have any questions regarding medications, please contact Mrs. Schlenker at Textbooks Chromebook, Charger & Case Library Books Any other school owned items Students in grades 8 - 11 need to check their email. Information was sent out for course selections for the upcoming school year.
over 4 years ago, Adam Perdue
Wes-Del Community Schools are pleased to announce Mr. Todd Reagan as the new Wes-Del Elementary Principal. Mr. Reagan is finishing up his fourth year as principal at Blue River Valley Elementary, and prior to his time at Blue River he was the principal at Frontier Elementary School for eight years. Mr. Reagan and his wife, Lacy, have three children, and they are excited to become a part of the Warrior family! Mr. Reagan officially begins July 1st. #WDpride
over 4 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Mr. Reagan
Warrior Community: We will have a senior parade this Friday, May 1st. We will begin at the Middle/High School at 2:30 p.m. We plan to have our faculty and staff give a send off and make our way to the elementary so that faculty and staff at the elementary can celebrate as well. We will then parade through Gaston - please feel free to join us around town to celebrate the class of 2020. The parade route is pictured below. Lastly, to keep to our tradition - seniors will pass by the Barking Cow and pick-up their ice cream. We appreciate the Barking Cow and Malchow family for doing this for our seniors!
over 4 years ago, Adam Perdue
Senior Parade Route
Wes-Del Community Schools Board of Trustees will hold a regular school board meeting on Thursday, April 30th, 2020 at 7:30 PM at the Wes-Del Administrative Building.
over 4 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Wes-Del Community Schools Board of Trustees will hold an executive session on Thursday, April 30th, 2020 at 7:00PM and the Wes-Del Administrative Building.
over 4 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Warrior Families, This afternoon all teachers and staff will meet at the MS/HS to begin our Teacher Caravan Parade. All PK-12 teachers and staff are invited to attend. We ask that everyone please remain in their vehicles the entire time. This is a great opportunity to “see” everyone. We would love to see as many parents, students, & school community members during our parade. We have shared the route on all social media pages as well as on our website. The parade will begin at the MS/HS and start at 5:30PM. If you do not live near the parade route and would like to attend – please park at the MS/HS in the student parking lot and arrive between 5:00 – 5:15. Please pull in a parking spot. The parade vehicles will use the student drop-off lane. You can also park at the Gaston Fair Grounds – the parade route will end there at that location. Also, at MS/HS you will see a memorial created for Mr. Tom Dorton. As the parade passes the memorial, we will honk our horns and flash our lights to honor a great Warrior.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Perdue
Parade Route
Parade Info
Wes-Del Community Schools Board of Trustees will hold a regular board meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, April 17th, 2020 in the high school auditorium.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Wes-Del Community Schools Board of Trustees will hold an Executive Session at 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 17th, 2020 in the high school auditorium.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Attention: Any parent who has a child that receives Speech Services at Wes-Del Elementary. If you would like some speech exercises to do with your student during this extended eLearning time, you can pick up exercises in the community book box outside the elementary school. There are a total of 5 mini-packets. Thank you, Mrs. Shafer
almost 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
This message is for kindergarten and first grade parents. These are directions to access Schoology. Once your child logs in, you will see at the top of the screen a bookmark, Schoology. Click on that and it will take you to schoology. Go to courses at the top and click. Your child’s assignments should open in subject boxes. First grade teachers put all subjects in the language arts folder. K teachers have assignments under each subject. Click on each folder to complete each assignment. The assignments for this week are included. Contact your child’s teacher with questions .
almost 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Warriors, The news of our buildings closing for the remainder of the year is heartbreaking for our students, staff, parents, and community. This had to be a hard decision for our state leaders, but one which is necessary for all our safety. Our administrators and teachers met earlier this week, and we planned to release our “April Educational Plan” to parents tomorrow. With the new developments, administrators are meeting immediately to revise our plan to ensure we meet the new requirements, and so that we can get it to our teachers, students, and parents ASAP. Please be patient as we were not given any heads up and found out at the same time as all of you. We will get through this together. #WDpride Mr. Mealy
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Warriors, Schoology is experiencing a large volume of users across the country which is causing some issues. You may experience problems with the Schoology system. If you are having trouble in anyway with the system just take a break, then try back later. Do not stress over this, all of your teachers are aware of the issue and are very understanding. We have our administrative staff working with Schoology, and we will get through this together! #WDpride Mr. Mealy
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
A reminder that Wes-Del Community Schools will be providing a “grab and go” of four meals tomorrow Tuesday, March 31st from 12PM to 1PM at Wes-Del Elementary School. Each “grab and go” will include four days of breakfast and lunch for each student. Thank you to our WD food service staff for their continued support of our Warriors during this difficult time. #WDpride #PushOnwardWarriors
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Welcome back from spring break! Here is information for this our eLearning and food service this week.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Wes-Del Community Schools will implement extended eLearning beginning Monday, March 16th, 2020 through Friday, April 3rd, 2020. Spring break will be from Friday, March 20th through Monday, March 30th.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Warrior Parents, A reminder that this evening we will be holding parent/teacher conferences for second semester. We are aware of the current health concern and would like to remind all parents that all conferences are optional. If you opt to not attend, you may contact your students teacher or teachers via email. If you do attend, we do ask that all adhere to the recommended health precautions. No handshake greetings are required, and it is recommended that you not attend if you have a cough or are sick. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
Congratulations to our Georgia Davis who won 2nd place at the regional spelling bee! Georgia we are so proud of you!
almost 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Georgia Davis second place at the regional Spelling Bee! Congratulations!
Buzz, the the therapy horse, visited the first and second graders today at Wes-Del Elementary.
almost 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Making friends with Buzz and learning about therapy horses.
Buzz and students connect.
Wes-Del Graduation - Help us Celebrate the Class of 2020!
almost 5 years ago, Adam Perdue
WD Graduation