‪Today, those student’s that sold 15 items or more, enjoyed getting to take advantage of their fundraising efforts by dunking water on Mr. Slopsema. ‬
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Water Bucket Splash
Thank You to the parents and teacher’s for making this year’s Kindergarten Thanksgiving feast a Royal Treat!
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
Wes-Del Students and Families: This Thursday, November 21 from 5-6:30pm there will be a Chicken Noodle Dinner Fundraiser in the high school cafeteria. The dinner is being made by Wes-Del Food Service Staff and will support students going on the Philadelphia/Washington D.C. trip this Spring Break. So come for some traditional Chicken & Noodles, fresh Mashed Potatoes, Dinner Roll, beverage and a piece of yummy pie all for $8.00. The drama class play will follow starting at 7pm. Thank you for your support!
about 5 years ago, Adam Perdue
‪Fun times had by all at the WDES Skating Party! #WDPride‬
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Skating Party
“Warriors Give” event this Friday evening. Drop off children at the high school at 5:30. Then, parents may come to the elementary to choose items for your family free of charge. Donations still accepted tomorrow from 3:00-4:30 PM in the gym. Infants through high school sizes. Thanks to our community for your support! You do not need to rsvp to attend this event.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Wes-Del Community Schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay for Tuesday, November 12th, 2019.
about 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
‪Wes-Del Elementary School would like to Thank all of our veterans for their service and devotion to our great Country. Great job Mr. Roberts and our students during our Veteran's Day ceremony. #WDPride‬
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Veteran's Day ceremony
The 4th and 5th Graders had a great time at the MS/HS this morning participating in a convocation presented by the Ball State University Men's Volleyball team! #WDPride
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
BSU Mens Volleyball
‪What's better than celebrating Halloween at WDES, celebrating Halloween with STEM - How many rocks can your spiderweb hold? #WDPride‬
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
STEM Activity
‪No party like a WDES Halloween Party! It may be cold, wet, and windy outside, but the students at WDES had a spooktacular time today! #WDPride‬
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Halloween Parties
Mrs. Daugherty's class did a great job acting out "Catch Me If You Can" today!
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
"Catch Me If You Can"
The elementary Conscious Discipline team presented at the school board meeting. You have helped our school create an inviting and safe school climate for our students. Thank you for your dedication!
about 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
The elementary Conscious Discipline team presented at the school board meeting this evening. Thank you for your dedication to help us all create a safe and inviting school culture.
It's Archery unit time again in PE at Wes-Del Elementary! For students in grades 4 and 5, the start of Archery Club isn’t far away!
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
‪The Star Lab made it's yearly return to Wes-Del Elementary this week, and was enjoyed by all the students! #WDPride‬
about 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Star Lab
PTO fundraiser pick up is tomorrow after school from 3:00 until 6:00 in the cafeteria. Please plan to pick up your orders and your child’s prizes! Thank you!
about 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
‪The first Food, Family, Fun Night at Wes-Del Elementary School was a success tonight! Thank You Mrs. Teagle and Mr. Delaney for organizing this event for us, and to all the other volunteers who made this possible! #WDPride‬
over 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Food, Family, Fun Night at Wes-Del Elementary!
On Wednesday from 5:45-7:15 we will host our Food, Fun, and Family evening. One if our sessions is a parent information session on our Elearning Day scheduled for this Friday the 18th.
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Girls basketball camp was cancelled for today.
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Kindergarten students and their alphabet parade today!
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Our Kindergarten Alphabet Parade today.
Wes-Del Community Schools is pleased to announce that our "eLearning" program has been approved for the 2019-2020 school year. Our first eLearning day will be on Friday, October 18th, 2019. For more information go to our website https://www.wes-del.k12.in.us/o/wes-del-community-schools/page/elearning--7
over 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy