‪The Elementary PTO fundraiser started today. Every student that sells 15 items gets 3 chances to hit the bullseye, and dump a bucket of water on Mr. Slopsema! Time to get selling elementary students!‬
over 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
PTO Fundraiser
‪Fun learning about electrical circuits in Mrs. Daugherty's class. #WDPride‬
over 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Electrical Circuits
‪It's been a great couple of mornings at Wes-Del Elementary and Wes-Del Pre-school as we enjoyed having our grandparents visit. #WDPride‬
over 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Grandparent's Day
‪Gym class or Puckett Boot Camp, either way these Warriors are getting in shape!‬
over 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Gym class
Today the ILEARN results were mailed to each student. Please take time to look at the results. Please contact your child’s school, if you have any questions. Thank you, Mr. Perdue and Mrs. Shafer
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Picture day & yearbook distribution at the Middle/High School is this Thursday, August 15th. Picture forms went home today with your student. Seniors will have their pictures taken on September 26th. Please contact our office you have any questions!
over 5 years ago, Adam Perdue
Welcome to our second week of school. We would like to thank our elementary parents and guardians for being flexible on our changes for drop off and pick up procedures. We feel our new system will ensure safe arrivals and dismissals of our students. This week there will be a Title 1 information meeting for parents/guardians on August 15th. You may chose to come at 9:00 AM or 6:00 PM. The meetings will be held in the cafeteria. This Friday we have Fall pictures being taken. Information will be sent home tomorrow if your child did not bring it home on Friday. There will also be a Boy Scout sign up on Wednesday evening in the cafeteria from 6:00-7:00 PM.
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
MS/HS Students & Families - We hope you have enjoyed your summer vacation. We're excited to welcome back returning Warriors as well as all new Warriors tomorrow, August 7th! We made one change in our morning routine. Buses will now drop-off all MS/HS students at the main entrance - please be cautious as you enter and exit each morning. We'll see you bright and early tomorrow! Thank you, Mr. Perdue
over 5 years ago, Adam Perdue
The Wes-Del Preschool parent meeting and Open House is being held at the preschool on Monday August 5th from 6:00-7:00 PM.
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Please plan to attend the Back to School celebration this Tuesday evening from 6:00-7:00 at Wes-Del Elementary. Your family is invited to meet your child’s teacher, bring their school supplies, complete registration if you have not done so. We will be using our entry doors from last year at this time. Our first student day is Wednesday, August 7th.
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
The Papa John’s trailer will be at the Middle/High School parking lot July 31st from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. – please stop by the trailer and pick up dinner and show your support as 20% of everything sold will support our school!
over 5 years ago, Adam Perdue
Middle/High School Open House tomorrow evening from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. This is an opportunity for students in grades 6 through 12 to pick-up schedules, organize their lockers, and tour the building. Also, our Freshman Orientation will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the HS Auditorium.
over 5 years ago, Adam Perdue
Wes-Del Elementary online registration for returning students begins on July 25th. Registration at school will be held in the gym. Please use the side gym doors to enter the building. You may park in the side parking lot. Registration is on Monday, July 29th from 1:00-6:00 and on Tuesday, July 30th from 8:00 to noon. The Back to School Celebration will be held on August 6th from 6:00-7:00. Please plan to come to meet your child’s teacher and bring their school supplies. We are looking forward to another great year!
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Wes-Del Community Schools is looking for a high school counselor. If you are interested or know someone who may be interested, please have them contact Adam Perdue, Principal, at aperdue@wes-del.org or (765)358-4091.
over 5 years ago, Kyle Mealy
HS Counselor Announcement
‪Congratulations to the Wes-Del Pre-school graduating class of 2019! #WDPride‬
over 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Pre-School Graduation
It was a packed house at the elementary honor day today! Thank You students, teachers, and the whole community for your hard work and support this school year! #WDPride
over 5 years ago, Jason Slopsema
Elementary honor day
Fourth grader’s Wax Museum was a success!
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
The fourth grade Wax Museum was a success!
Students enjoyed the gaming truck during a special surprise today.
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
Students enjoying the gaming truck today.
The gaming truck and the Wax museum
over 5 years ago, Tracy Shafer
4th graders portrayed a famous Hoosier at their wax museum today.  Great job students!
Warriors - we will be in session today! We will operate on our 2 hour delay schedule. Seniors, please report at 10:00 a.m. to complete your finals for periods 2, 6, & 8 in rooms A9, A10, & A11. We'll see you soon!
over 5 years ago, Adam Perdue